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Re-criminalization of commodity smuggling: a well-forgotten old thing 22 January, 2024    730

Where to find the true law? OR
How to determine valid provisions of the Tax Code at the particular time period?
19 January, 2024    648

The law on vacations and other issues of labor legislation: new regulations 15 January, 2024    1584

Documentary tax audits and additional accruals – within what terms are they possible now?
And what is the storage period of documents for such tax audits (because how can there be a documentary tax audit without documents)?
09 January, 2024    1387

It didn’t go well: “Amendments of Lozovyi” were partially canceled 14 December, 2023    607

Regular price: Are you ready for the tax audit? 13 December, 2023    1258

About the cancellation of the moratorium on tax audits 12 December, 2023    561

Сurrency transactions and foreign trade settlements with non-residents as of the end of 2023: Deregulation in some cases and tightening the screw in others 12 December, 2023    1113

TOP 7 arguments in a dispute with the Fund for Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities 08 December, 2023    993

Relocation of top management abroad: are you ready for double taxation? 08 December, 2023    1205

How European countries address the issue of tax residency of Ukrainian companies in case of relocation of top management to such countries 07 December, 2023    592

Some practical aspects of the departure of men abroad during martial law 07 December, 2023    1053

Thresholds of criminal liability under Article 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2024 05 December, 2023    3328

An attempt to cancel “amendments of Lozovyi”– business, stand by! 14 November, 2023    575

Important transfer pricing court practice: the cassation appeal of the tax office has been (partially) satisfied again by the Supreme Court – why is the case important and what significant nuances have not been taken into account? 13 November, 2023    961

Difficulties or opportunities: an exemption from fines and penalties in case of payment of calculated tax liability amount within 30 calendar days after receipt of the tax notification-decision under subpara. 69.37 para. 69 of Sub-section 10 Section XX “Transitional Provisions” of the Tax Code of Ukraine 03 November, 2023    1399

Terms of pre-trial investigation in wartime: has the Law No. 3341-IX dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s? 11 October, 2023    677

Forced alienation of a vehicle during martial law instead of temporary seizure for use during mobilization: features of disputes regarding such alienation 10 October, 2023    596

From October 18, 2023, registration of all legal entities in the “Electronic Court” becomes mandatory: what does it mean and what risks does it carry? 05 October, 2023    1303

Arbitrariness of the territorial center of recruitment and social support representatives in the context of the detention of conscripts: Responsibility and instructions on how to act 04 October, 2023    6526

What are the deadlines to file a claim for the recovery of the “old” VAT refund according to the Supreme Court of Ukraine? 04 October, 2023    673

The Supreme Court is at the service of tax authorities, or how the Supreme Court abolished the tax code, making the right to a tax audit indisputable and absolute 02 October, 2023    1089

Old debts, or what to do with the overdue debts of non-residents in respect of which the mechanism of subpara.159.1.1 of the Tax Code was applied before January 1, 2015 20 September, 2023    631


Comparables Analysis Insufficient; Ukrainian Court Remands Case 18 September, 2023    428

Notification of discrepancies in data on ultimate beneficiaries and / or ownership structure in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, identified by the subjects of primary financial monitoring 14 September, 2023    1233

“A spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar”: what positive changes have been brought about by the latest amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine? 28 August, 2023    1253

Terms of pre-trial investigation [in ALL criminal proceedings, where no one was notified of suspicion], are terminated until the end of martial law. But what if to get a new angle on? 18 August, 2023    1862

Violation of deadlines for settlement of export and import transactions: peculiarities of tax audits and liability during martial law and a little before that 14 August, 2023    925

The quota of workplaces for persons with disabilities: should separate divisions of foreign legal entities comply? 09 August, 2023    2507

“Massive” requests regarding application of the 30% adjustment on corporate income tax. What is wrong and what to do? 03 August, 2023    1571

What’s with scheduled and unscheduled tax audits from August 1, 2023?
The scope of unscheduled audits is expanded, and can a scheduled audit be conducted just because, for example, you are dealing with fuel?
02 August, 2023    1284

“When was that?” — “Many moons ago”, or where to find witnesses to consider the case which has been sent for a new trial 02 August, 2023    1486

The penalty for a customs violation under para. 1 of Article 483 of the Customs Code of Ukraine is recognized as unconstitutional – to be continued? 19 July, 2023    2191

Conscription age and the reservation of conscripts 12 July, 2023    2469

The end of the COVID-19 quarantine: actions of the employer 12 July, 2023    781

In light of the recent court practice regarding sham transactions: what evidence should be collected? 05 July, 2023    1265

Mobilization of vehicles for military needs: what’s in reality and what’s on paper? 01 June, 2023    1560

Is a taxpayer entitled to submit to the court documents, which were not previously provided to the tax authority, and is there a ground for the court to disregard these documents? 15 May, 2023    3362

New Law on collective agreements and treaties 10 May, 2023    2472

Are you waiting for renewed audits since July 1, 2023? But they are already “here” in many aspects 04 May, 2023    3472

The season for tax audits on compliance with currency legislation in the part of settlement deadlines for export and import transactions has been opened 28 April, 2023    1542

Shortening the terms for conducting tax audits on the basis of para. 78.1.8 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (VAT for refund or negative value over UAH 100,000) and cancellation of tokens
(or about innovations of the Law No. 2918-IX)
15 March, 2023    1061

Reservation of conscripted employees of critically important enterprises 14 March, 2023    1876


Time limits for collection of budgetary compensation for VAT: what has changed after the decision of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of Ukraine? 01 March, 2023    1450


Ukraine: The War is not an excuse to ignore Transfer Pricing Compliance 06 February, 2023    845

From now officially – foreign (EU) QESs are recognized under Ukrainian law, and other changes related to QESs 31 January, 2023    2269

Amendments in terms of VAT invoices registration and fines for their untimely registration: General for the whole duration of the war,
and as a “remedy” of the situation upon re-launching of VAT invoices registration in Summer 2022
27 January, 2023    5763