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State supervision reform

evrobrochure1Each company used to deal with control authorities in its business activity: fiscal, labour, firefighting services, environmental, architectural and engineering inspection… And each company has several vivid stories on illegal actions of inspectors and necessity to adjudicate the rights in court. Such stories are told nearly in a similar way: audit, illegal documents of disposition, collecting of evidence, claim, numerous court sessions, legal fees (with little chance to be refunded by the court), winning, appeal claim, winning, cassation claim, another winning… And it seems that it is over, end of the story, but no – new audit is getting started and everything starts again circle-wise. So what should be done if the situation with subsequent won court does not change?

Motivation of the court decisions in the tax disputes or “by the name because therefore is”

problem enThe aim of the project:

to reach the unity in understanding that “the nature of functioning of judicial authority consists that in such functioning the logic of power substitutes for power of logic” (Boštjan Zupančič)