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Tax dispute vs. crime

20 September, 2013 Projects

The aim of the project:

To draw attention of the society to the criminal prosecutions of the tax payers on the mass scale as to the most harmful factor for the economy.


The project “Tax dispute of crime?” is the pursuit of the project “NO to 212 of the Criminal Code as a way of business pressure“.

Download the pdf-file of presentation in Ukrainian

Within the framework of the project we are actively working towards termination of pressure on taxpayers in the form of transferring of each tax audit act on material sum into criminal proceeding. Besides publications, articles, participation in forums, we repeatedly referred to respective state authorities aiming to highlight the range of problems and to offer solutions.

It is seemed that our efforts are becoming to bring some results. In particular, the Methodic Recommendations1 have recently been cancelled. They envisaged submission of audit materials with additional tax payments on material sum to Financial Investigation Departments of respective tax authorities almost after tax notification-decisions had been made. Currently, this procedure is shifted to the end of the stage of administrative appeal. More information on this issue you may find in the material:

Further development in this strategic orientation can be found in the following publication:

Other materials to the project:


1Methodical recommendations on Order of interaction between subdivisions of STS authority of Ukraine in the organization, implementation and realization of the checking materials of tax payers approved by Order № 948 from 31.10.2012 of STS of Ukraine.

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