Щоквартальний журнал
Obtaining critical enterprise status (updated as of September 01, 2024)
In this article, we analyze the procedure for obtaining the status of a critically important enterprise for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period, which is currently the main condition for employee`s reservation. In particular, in this material we will describe:
- the general criteria for recognizing an enterprise as critically important;
- supporting documents that must be prepared;
- the sectoral and territorial criteria for determining enterprises that are important for the sector of the national economy or for meeting the needs of the territorial community;
- the procedure for recognizing a company as critically important;
- features and exceptions to the procedure;
- obligation to report on employees after obtaining critically important status.
The full version of the article is available in Ukrainian by the link.
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Reservation of conscripted employees of critically important enterprises
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