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Bulgaria is excluded from the list of “low tax” jurisdictions for TP purposes

27 April, 2018 Newsletters

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© WTS Consulting LLC, 2018

Views 6182


Ukraine Ministry of Finance clarifies general tax consultation on deemed dividends 01 October, 2021    1737

Ministry of Finance of Ukraine clarifies some TP issues 16 June, 2021    2697

Ukraine’s new transfer pricing rules expand taxpayer obligations 19 May, 2021    12167

Another reincarnation of the special TP rules regarding raw materials. Will it work this time? 09 September, 2020    4353

Global Trend: Operations with Raw Materials and Traditional Hard Industrial Products as a target of TP 20 November, 2018    1292

Parallel Import: Hidden Tax Risks for Official Importers in the context of Transfer Pricing rules 24 October, 2018    4139

The spirit of the international community of TP professionals

Impressions of participation in the Global Transfer Pricing Forum in Munich under the auspices of the International Tax Review
17 October, 2018    3077

WTS Global Country TP Guide:
A comprehensive survey on Transfer Pricing from 73 countries
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Transfer Pricing penalties: is it OK to apply penalty for the late submission of the report on controlled transactions for the period before January 01, 2017? 26 April, 2018    1333

Transfer pricing penalties: general overview 12 March, 2018    35331

The list of “low-tax” jurisdictions, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for transfer pricing purposes, was amended 07 March, 2018    5695

TP disputes: what we can understand from the first dispute in Ukraine that concerns application of the net margin method 23 February, 2018    1637
