Changes to the procedure for submitting information on ultimate beneficial owners – new Law No. 2571
Notification of discrepancies in data on ultimate beneficiaries and / or ownership structure in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, identified by the subjects of primary financial monitoring
Finally! The deadline for submitting information on beneficiaries and ownership structures has been postponed for 9 months
Race on providing information on the ultimate beneficial owners. X-day on July 11!
Draft Order approving the Regulation on the form and content of the ownership structure – the first pancake is always a throwaway
Liability transferred after M&A: How new management can avoid risks
Increased risks of personal liability of management as a result of the Law on prevention of COVID-19
Legal entities will be required to update information on final beneficiaries
Legal paradoxes concerning charter capital of a limited liability company
Since end-2018, any amendment to company register requires submission of information on beneficiaries
Personal responsibility of the head of the Company and other important changes in the Bankruptcy Procedures Code: analysis of some innovations
Novelties of the Bankruptcy Procedures Code