Amendments to Classification of the types of designated purpose of land and their sense in respect of land and tax laws
How to buy agricultural land in Ukraine (without limitations)?
Draft law on land consolidation
New methodology for the normative monetary valuation of lands
What is worthy of note in Draft Law No. 2194 on deregulation of land relations?
Who determines the normative monetary valuation (NMV) of land outside settlements?
New normative monetary valuation of lands outside of settlements starting from January 01, 2019 – myth or reality?
Cassation Administrative Court is applying to the Grand Chamber: urgent questions and results
State registration of ownership title and other proprietary rights to the land plot – on conditions of accuracy of the State Land Cadaster
Concerning the provisions of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018” (No. 7000 as of September 15, 2017) regarding the normative monetary valuation of lands (updated on January 26, 2018)
To improve valuation
Normative monetary valuation of lands is at the intersection of Land and Tax Law